Social Committee update

The feedback we received at the end of last season was very positive about all the activities we began in 2014.
The quiz nights and wine tasting evenings have proved to be particularly popular – could this be something to do with the quantity of vino consumed I wonder?
A quick over view of activities on offer this season in addition to golf
Fitness and tennis clinics are each running four times a week
Bridge with Tony Reid in the Rum Shak every Monday
Quiz night every other Monday in the Rum Shak
Coffee mornings and dinners at St Nicholas Abbey will be monthly through to the end of April
Jo Reid is planning to begin the art classes again soon
We also plan to arrange another wine tasting evening courtesy of Trident Wines and Jania Geoghgan will be organizing a trip to the Garrison. As always, we are open to ideas and suggestions for any activity that members would enjoy.
We now have so much to do that it is difficult to keep track so we have arranged with the Club to publish a monthly calendar of events. This will be emailed to all members and a hard copy delivered to all homes. The calendar will include all golf tournaments as well as the activities listed previously together with any ad hoc social opportunities and any property owners events.
Thank you to all of you that have participated in our events over the last year – it has been fun !
Yvonne Brewer